Caring for your bouquet

  1.  Use a clean vase, adding fresh water mixed with Abi's Arrangements flower food. Always keep the water level high to promote long lasting flowers.

    Flower food contains the correct ingredients to properly nourish your flowers. It keeps bacteria at bay (which can block the stems and prevent them from absorbing water), encourages buds to open and lengthens the life of the bouquet. It's one of the best and easiest ways to extend the life of your flowers.

  2.  Remove 2cm from the bottom of the stems. Use a shark knife or scissors to cut the stems at an angle to allow the flowers the best chance to take up water. Avoid smashing or piercing the stems, as this can destroy their water vessels and prevent water absorption. 

  3. Be sure no leaves are floating in the water as this could promote the growth of bacteria, which can shorten the life of your flowers.

  4. Every 3 days, remove the flowers from the vase and re-cut the stems. Remove any spent or damaged blooms, or foliage that falls below the waterline in the vase.

  5.  Most flowers are best displayed away from direct sunlight, heating or cooling vents. Avoid placing fresh flowers near ripening fruit, which can release tiny amounts of ethylene gas.

Please note
Some of your flowers may have been delivered in bud. This is to ensure your flowers have a longer life in bloom.

All flowers, foliages and berries are for decoration purposes only. Some flowers and plants can be harmful if consumed. Care should be taken to keep all flowers and foliage out of the reach of children and pets. Remove all pollen from flowers as they open and blossom. Always place flower vase or container on a protective mat.